“One day,” I must have told myself a thousand times. One day I will: get six-pack abs, be artsy, live away from my parents; learn to dance, travel abroad. The list kept growing but I eventually realized the items were not being checked off and nothing was being achieved. This went on for years since I was so good at convincing myself that today was not the day, but some other day, will be “the right day.”
Basically, I was stuck in a comfort zone. I am sure most people can see what I’m trying to say and have experienced it in some form or another. Achieving a goal means going through changes and taking the initial steps. Whatever held me back, whether it be fear, anxiety, laziness, lack of motivation (or more likely a combination of sorts) was something that needed to be confronted. Rather than brooding over the right path to take, putting forth the first step is all it takes sometimes to open an ocean of  doors. It does not have to be a one-way road; open many doors and explore all those roads. You will find ones you like and ones you don’t, but all are equally significant in your journey.
I knew of the shyest little Canadian-Chinese girl who lived in an equally little bubble for most of her life. She wanted to see what was out in the world but what is unknown was scary. Oh wait, could that girl have been me? Oh why it is haha. Anyway, I did not have slightest clue where I was headed but I had some big things in sight, and they were pretty darn far from where I was looking. Not because I am vertically challenged, representing all the 5 foot 0 inch ladies in the house, but because my view was blocked by pesky things such as doubt and lack of confidence.
Sometimes, I wanted super powers to leap over those gigantic mountains and never look back, but life does not quite work that way. Small, gradual steps are what I took and it actually got me somewhere. Whether you are a speed-walker, jogger, or slow-walker like me, it always involves taking steps.
My shy-self started off by finally being able to ask a store assistant for help. I have since moved onto driving a car by myself, presenting in front of an audience, volunteering in a mental illness residence, and performing acrobatic pole dance on stage. (Side note: it is an amazing exercise that has you saying, “Hello abs”)
Coming to South Korea had been but a fantasy of mine not too long ago, yet I find myself sitting here in Seoul, typing up a storm with this article. My one semester long exchange in Ewha encompasses a slew of experiences in itself and has helped me cross off a few things on my to-do list such as K-pop dancing, living away from my parents for more than 24 hours, and even added a few things I never knew I wanted to do like sketching real-life nude models in drawing class.
Long story short, you can start your path anywhere and you can start today. It’s okay to take small steps and even trip a few times along the way.

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